Plano Creator module for handling planograms

Create, copy and edit planograms

Plano Creator

How Plano Creator works

Plano Creator Features

any size

Creation of planograms for goods of any size


Drag-and-drop function

various types and sizes

Processing of various types and sizes of shelves and goods

created in a minute

A 100 SKU planogram can be created in a minute

How Plano Creator generates planograms

Grid Planogram

All planogram cells are the same size.
This structure is suitable for goods of similar size.

Grid Planogram

Shelf Planogram

No cells, but the height of each shelf is adjustable.
This option is good for products of different sizes.

Shelf Planogram

Benefits of Plano Creator

Benefits of Plano Creator

Planograms are created faster than with Excel or PowerPoint

Convenient handling of planograms with a large number of outlets and types of equipment

Easy-to-use category tree even with >4000 items

User-friendly interface to quickly add new items and equipment

Checking the planogram for correctness (products in the air, products intersecting with the shelf, overlapping products, a wide product on a small one)

View the planogram in the mobile app

Planograms are available in the application immediately after being generated in Plano Creator and can be used for recognition


What is a planogram?

A planogram of goods in a store is a block plan for displaying goods on specific store equipment. It is prepared on the basis of an analysis of consumer demand, contracts with suppliers and basic rules for displaying goods.

Why do you need a display planogram?

Manufacturers use to enter into agreements with retailers to display their products. Since there are many manufacturers, they compete for the best place on the shelf. Everyone wants their product to be in the center at the buyer’s eye level and take up as much space as possible. There is a need for constant auditing. A planogram allows manufacturers to place products on the shelf in the best layout so that consumers notice the product and buy it.

What are the types of planograms in Goods Checker?

Grid planogram: All planogram cells are the same size. This structure is suitable for products of the same size, such as chocolates or tobacco products.

Shelf planogram: adjustable height and length of each shelf. This option is good for products of different sizes.

What format is used to save planograms?

Planograms can be saved as MS Office, PDF, PNG, etc.

How long it takes to create one planogram?

A planogram with 100 products can be created in a minute. Therefore, it is easy for managers to create and maintain planograms up to date. If necessary, it is possible to

automatically arrange the goods on the shelves based on the preset equipment parameters (cold, hot zone) and the data on the goods.

How is the planogram approved by the management?

A planogram can be approved online as it is saved in MS, PDF, PNG and other formats.

How to make changes to planograms?

Planograms can be modified in the Plano Creator module. The visual editor allows you to create, copy and edit planograms using the drag-and-drop method.

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