Check & Go mobile application to help merchandisers at the point of sale

Check & Go mobile application to help merchandisers at the point of sale

How the Check & Go mobile app works

Check & Go Features

Selecting a retail outlet on an interactive map, building routes, filtering stores

Merging several photos of a long shelf and checking the quality of photos

Automatic comparison of product display against planogram in real time

Identification of discrepancies on the shelves and sending a report to the manager immediately

Offline or online mode

Choosing a category for a photo (shelf, price tags, POSM)

Respond to problems while at the point of sale

Fraud protection


What is image recognition?

Image recognition is the assignment of an object to a certain class by highlighting the essential features that characterize this object. Objects are different things. Recognition of goods on the shelf is also image recognition.

How is image recognition used in merchandising?

First, experts prepare a training set. These are photos (renders) of the goods provided by the customer. Based on this set, the neural network is trained: it learns to recognize objects and correlate them with certain products. Next, the results are validated on real-world photos.

How does the app recognize products?

Product recognition in merchandising works as follows: users take photos of products on the shelf. Next, the photos are uploaded to the data center, where artificial intelligence analyzes and classifies them. Neural networks recognize images, that is, products, and determine whether they are displayed correctly on the shelves. Also, in real time, you can calculate various KPIs and identify out-of-stock.

How long does it take to recognize one photo?

One photo is processed in up to 30 seconds.

What is the recognition accuracy?

Product recognition accuracy is >95%.

Internet connection required?

The mobile application allows taking a photo offline. When the Internet connection is established, the photo will be uploaded for further processing.

What if the shelf with goods is too long and does not fit in one photo?

Merchandiser can take a photo of several parts of the shelf in the application, and Goods Checker will merge them into one photo.

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