Goods Checker for Pharmaceutical Companies
Monitor brand representation and performance of medical representatives in each pharmacy

A Tool for Display Monitoring
and Improving Medical Representative Performance

With Goods Checker, pharmaceutical companies are able to monitor compliance of their drug displays with planograms and other rules, the availability of essential items for each pharmacy, and other aspects.
In addition, pharmaceutical company managers will be able to analyze the situation on pharmacy shelves and supervise medical representatives better.
Goods Checker generates analytics, which can be used for evidence-based evaluation of employee performance, setting achievable KPIs and creating an efficient incentive program.
Monitor the Desired KPIs Across Brands and Employees
Analytics are available in real time after processing photos taken by medical representatives via the Goods Checker mobile app or the customer’s existing app.
Where a previously collected archive of photos is processed, the analysis results are provided based on the outcomes of the working day.
- Planogram compliance rate and MSL by pharmacy chains, cities, countries,
- Your brand’s share by pharmacy chains, cities, countries,
- Representation of your brands and competitors’ brands by pharmacy chains, cities, countries,
- Analysis of performance of medical representatives for different periods: number of pharmacies visited and photos taken, planogram compliance rate, etc.
- Analysis of messages from medical representatives about the lack of drugs, pharmacy work schedules, and other issues.

What You Get
on the availability of your brands in pharmacies
based on analytics of your brands’ representation in pharmacy chains
with real-time analytics
the performance of medical representatives
that will improve your market standing
Results from Goods Checker
With Goods Checker, a Central Asian pharmaceutical manufacturer has improved the availability and visibility of its brands in pharmacies and reduced the time it takes for medical representatives to visit the pharmacy – now it takes less than five minutes.
“Goods Checker has become a useful tool that has improved monitoring of goods display, provided managers with high-quality and detailed analytics on the presentation of goods on pharmacy shelves, and also allowed them to evaluate the performance of medical representatives fairly.”
Dzhanpeisov D.
Regional Head of Trade Marketing and Sales